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The XR-NL Moderator team moderates the public group of the XR Facebook page and comments on the various feeds of our social media. Once your moderator has received permission, you are expected to participate in our closed communication channels on Mattermost and signal. You may only be active as a moderator if you are part of these groups to ensure that everyone is aware of shared agreements and can be consulted.
On our pages we generally moderate with a light hand, but harder where necessary. We have a zero-tolerance on swear words, and all the posts in which they scream are hidden. Also comments that are simply unkind or rude, offensive or that play on the man are hidden. Anyone who threatens with violence (death threats, physical threats) is immediately banned. Also people who repeatedly spam with irrelevant posts or links or who are clearly trolling are removed. This is in line with the guidelines of other Facebook groups and of Facebook itself.
We welcome debate and criticism of our public movement which visits our pages and do not remove comments and content that is critical of it. We try to provide a regenerative space and do not believe in censorship as we learn and grow from debate, criticism and reflection.
There are two basic principles within the movement that have to do with inclusiveness:
Because of these principles, we actively encourage people to come together, express their thoughts and share experiences, as part of minority and marginalized groups. Without the input of these groups, we have no chance of breaking down existing power structures and breaking the systemic problems of our society. Also, those who are not part of these groups have no chance to learn and understand what it means to be part of this in today's world. The ecological crisis is not just about climate change. All elements of our global community have a role to play. This movement is for everyone and is about so much more than the result of our history, the ecological collapse, it is also about its causal roots:
Colonialism, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, validism etc.
Many things have contributed to where we are now, and many of these things need to be confronted. We encourage with all our hearts that our movement is shared with other movements, that they are welcomed by showing us that we care about the problems they face as part of the enormous mess we've fallen into. We need a regenerative, healing culture. That means looking at and taking care of the wounds of the past.
Trolls are there in the form of bots, paid trolls and ordinary people. Real trolls are usually not such a problem. Once you recognize them, it's important to banish them immediately. Although it is important to guard that we do not censor it is important for the ballans and the care of a safe environment that trolls that spoil the atmosphere are immediately removed. People who post climate-denial posts or content must be banned immediately. Someone who uses our social media for self-promotion or unrelated content that will be deleted even after warning. Also, make sure to delete all reactions to the troll so that the conversation remains readable to the other readers.
It gets harder sometimes when reactions are on the edge. Generally money there is still the old truth: donot feed the trolls. If you still want to respond, it often works better to do this not from an official account but as a person. Replying as XR admin is often wise if you want to radiate to the rest of the community that is moderated. Keep in mind the following things:
It is better to hide comments instead of removing them. If we hide then other moderators can watch so that decisions can also be discussed later within the team. If the platform on which your moderate has no hidden option, then of course you should delete it.
Please always be friendly and considerate to anyone who contacts the moderator team about a decision.
In our groups we have rules and guidelines that are visible to all participants. It is recommended to use private groups to keep participants safe and to keep trolls at a distance.
On this page you will find the nettiquette appointments as used on the Dutch FB community page, copy and use these mainly for other XR-NL forums and groups that are not managed by the NL moderator team.
*It is advisable to ask connection questions before entering the group. If a person does not answer the questions, they will be removed within a week. If you approve anyone, check any other groups in this person and check their profile. If you have doubts about the participation then reject the request. e posts from the same day and time. Decline any sucspicious looking profiles.
_Do we still want to keep these????? _
***Examples of group joining questions: ***
*Question 1
*Will you abide by the group's rules as laid out in the rules section?
*Question 2
*Do you agree to abide by the demands and principles of Extinction Rebellion as laid out at their website?
Invitees - Group members on Facebook groups can invite people from their friends list to join the group. These friends may not want to be a member of the group and may not have seen the invitation, so do not accept invitees unless they answer the questions. Give invitees one week to answer the group joining questions and then delete if not answered. *
The guidelines for (theme) groups and forums are the same as those of the other social media channels, except that we also moderate on content that does not match the group's objective. In the case of the XR Community group, the aim of the group is to share XR-related news and to have conversations about this and things that do not connect to it should be deleted. It is up to the site of the content to indicate why certain information is important / has a relationship with XR. In the case of the latest climate report, for example, this is more clear than a post on CETA, which should be explained in terms of its relationship to climate.
In the case of active members of the group who violate the rules of the group, we use a policy whereby we warn three times, after which we move to the removal of membership. Of course, this money only for matters not covered by the rules that lead to direct removal, such as threats of violence. In that case, ensuring a safe and regenerative environment for the group as a whole prevails above the 'censorship' of one person.
Specific hottics in the XR NL Facebook Community and the mods appointments:
5G: bans on posts on this topic of spaming and a lot of unrest about the subject, whereas it has only very sideways to do with XR subjects.
Sources that can be used to moderate:
On racism and climate change: change/40602/why-climate-and-racism-all-to-have/?fbclid=IwAR0BV2KJgHnEUV1csDCely-Et-AX7J68rOUXgLFAMpx9nI1omD0alxio8
About the myth of overpopulation:
About covid and ecofacism: